Peak District Moorland
Recently, whilst finding some new fly fishing waters around the Peak District, I discovered the moors. These vast lands are as beautiful as they are bleak. With very little happening, aside from the odd buzzard plummeting to the earth after its next meal, it is a great place to park up and take a walk. Under foot can be very boggy but in most areas there is enough undergrowth to support your steps. The moorlands line both sides of the road as far as your eye can see. All within ten minutes of leaving the hectic hassle of the M1. Beyond this land there is a range of waters including the rivers Derwent, Dove, Manifold and reservoirs such as Ladybower, Carssington and Errwood. These all provide great wild brown trout and grayling fishing throughout the year at various different club beats. Aside from the fishing, it is a great area to spend a day or two exploring with a back pack and tent. There are countless campsites dotted all over the Peak District. My favourites being the farms offering their fields for camping, for a few quid a night and a compost toilet if your lucky. Camping at these sites really gives a break from the mundane. Most of the farms offer local produce for the barbecue, whether it is from their own livestock or a neighbouring farm, you can't feel any more smug than the sight and smell of a locally produced slab of meat next to some vegetables grown in the soil beneath your boots. Your wake up call in this setting is often the sound of a groaning heard of freshly milked cattle moving into the grazing fields for the day, separated by a dry stone wall.